A friend of mine on Facebook mentioned how she spent yesterday at a local Board of Education meeting debating with bigots and refusing to cede to their agenda. I felt so incredibly inspired. This is someone I had given heck for making such a loud pronouncement about not voting in the midterms last year. But here she was, doing so much more than just voting.

Personally, I think we should all be doing both. We need to leave the comforting glow of our computer screens and take our principled stands into the real world, where it matters. And I still think we should all vote, even if it's not sexy or inspiring. But if people are just gonna choose one action or the other, I'd rather they get out in the real world and challenge the culture warriors on the right.

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I've gotten to the point where I think we ought to be demanding the end of the Senate and the Electoral College. Until those two inexcusable things go away, there's little that can be done.

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“And I will argue that if all you’re doing is voting, you’re not really doing anything at all.”

The preservation of democracy demands much more than armchair activism. Thank you for this.

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