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You're quite correct of course. These upcoming days will test all of our internal and collective strengths and weaknesses. This is new territory that, as Progressives, we aren't necessarily accustomed to. Many of us have had the experience of being outnumbered in both our ideology and identity, but this could be yet another example of the popular vote being overruled by the antiquated Electoral College system.

I did hope to one day live in a true representational democracy, but that could be a dream of the past. Now we have to figure out how to manifest the will of the people and fight in ways we've never had to fight before. But I don't think many of us want to go down the road of being unethical. I do fear those thoughts might be brewing...

Whatever the case, we must hold each other up and encourage resilience. We can no longer afford to let bickering over which group among us is the most oppressed. We must work as a team and be in it for the long haul.

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